Which are the ideal systems for the presentation of sample presenters?



As aleading company in the manufacture sample cases our main goal is to offer ourcustomers a widerange ofdimensions and shapes, to suitthe specific characteristicsof eachsector.

Our teamandthe most advanced machineryenableus to custom manufacture boxes for samples, cases, suitcases and folders. Always withthe best materials andhigh quality finishes.

Theaccumulated years of experience in this industry shows thatthere are markets/sectorswith special needs for their samplecases. In someinstances such asperfumeryand pharmacy, they are going to contain delicate and fragilebottles or jars.

Specifically, in the construction sector/building industry, samples are large. Moreover, due to characteristics of materials, the pieces are very heavy. Undoubtedly, this may be a handicap when it comes to presenting products to customers and also for transportation.

Mytplast offers practical, tough, durable and easy to transport solutions. We have an extensive catalog of items in different designs, colours and materials so our customers have the best choice. And for special needs, we manufacture to measure.

Here are some of our top products.

Ceramic Sample presenter

Our sample boxes for ceramic tiles have been designed to present samples vertically. Thus a perfect display of edges and finishes of each piece is achieved.

They are made ofcardboard coveredwithblacktexturedfinish,closing clasps (briefcase type) andtwo metalhinges. 1 colour screen printed. The samples are placedon blackPVCthermoforming rails.

Sample presenter case for laminates

These boxes are to show/display/present laminated finished for furniture. They are manufactured in cardboard case bound with 4 colours print and Gloss OPP. Closing claps on the lip.

Sample presenter for aluminium profiles

The sample presenter for aluminium profiles are made of cardboard offset printed and Matt OPP.

The samples are held in cardboard panels, covered with printed sheets with the technical specifications of each product. Inside the box plastic guides for a vertical display are placed.

Box for sample tiles 20×20

These boxes are suitable for sets of stoneware tiles 20×20 cm. They are made to measure in grey cardboard high strength plastic with matte finish.

To be easy to carry, the sample presenter has 2 die cut handles reinforced with black trims.

The ceramic tiles are held with two PVC thermoforming siderails and onedouble rail in the bottom.

Whateveryour businesssector, we have the perfect solution for yoursamples.

Related Posts:

– How we process your folder and Sample Presenter Project.

– Elaboration additional service, samples die cutting at Mytplast 


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